Monday, November 11, 2013

One Montana Summer

It wasn't always me traveling the long road between Bozeman, Montana and Loveland, Colorado. I cherish all the times that Mom and Dad, and rarely one or two of my siblings, would come visit me. I'll never forget the summer that Mom, Dad, and most of my five siblings traveled together to visit me at my home west of Bozeman, where me and my then-husband, Merlin, were building my dream home.

Joan brought her first grandson, Jason, the joy of her life. Notice the child seat that she and Carl devised for Jason to make the trip in comfort and with a good view. This was before the days of airbags, car-seat laws, and child safety seats.

We visited Virginia City and Nevada City, the Headwaters State Park, and took some drives into the mountains. Joan left earlier than the rest, as Jason had an eye infection and wasn't feeling well so she missed one or two of our excursions. They went home via Yellowstone National Park, got lost, and when they came out the North entrance and then caught I-90 at Livingston, Joan almost turned left to come back for one more night. We all wished that she had. She was embarrassed that she took a wrong turn and missed her chosen route, though she confessed it to all of us later, with much chagrin.  

I was happy and flattered that even Tom, Shirley's husband, was willing to make the journey. A quadriplegic, he wasn't always comfortable away from home. He didn't like cold weather, so, given his "druthers," he'd prefer traveling south, rather than north. But Tom was always a good sport with a wonderful sense of humor and always made the most of every situation and opportunity. I think he truly enjoyed the visit. Thankfully the weather was pretty nice while they were all here.
Tom, Shirley, Dad and Mom at Headwaters State Park
  Their son Shane was with them, but as a preteen or very young teenager, he shied from cameras.

Sharon and Roger with their two little ones, Krista and Trevor, brought a camper. (I'm trying to remember if the camper was Mom and Dad's or their own. I'm not sure. We had a big house, still under construction, and room for some of them, but I don't remember where everyone slept.
Larry on a hill overlooking the Headwaters of the Missouri
Our "baby" brother Larry was also there with his wife, Sharon, and boys, Milo and Tyrel. Somewhere I have pictures of all of them together, but couldn't find it this morning. Sharon and Larry didn't drive up with everyone else. They were already there. They stayed with us for a few weeks to help with construction of our house and garage.

The south side of our house on Sawmill Road with the garage partially in view in front.
I was sorry, as always, to see my family leave. We had such a great time, and being the only one of us far from our Colorado roots, I really missed them. I was especially sad when Joan and little Jason left ahead of the rest, but grateful that they came, even for a short time. I am so very thankful for my family, every one of them, and I'm thankful for the memories.

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